Monday, October 20, 2008

Discovering New Things, Including Each Other

It seems nearly impossible to believe that our girls turned 5 months old yesterday. They are growing and changing so much and discovering new things every day.
Stroller-This was the first time for them to ride in the stroller without their car seats. They did really well. We had a nice little walk around the neighborhood. They must have been fairly comfortable, because Emma fell asleep before we even got home, and Ella was very content looking around at the world.
Our Baby Limo
High Chairs- I finally took the high chairs out of their boxes last week. Even though we don't plan on feeding them cereal until they are 6 months old, I thought they might enjoy sitting in the high chairs and playing with some toys.

Each Other- They are just beginning to really realize there is another baby around. I think they were aware of that fact before to some extent, but now they will look at each other, and "talk" to each other a little bit. They appear to actually be interested in each other. It will be such fun to see their relationship grow.
"Do you want to play with me?"
Holding Hands
Breathing Treatments- Unfortunately, they are also learning about being sick for the first time. Emma has had a stuffy nose since Friday afternoon, and Ella got it on Sunday. We took them to the doctor this morning, and they have a bit of an upper respiratory infection, nothing serious. Dr. Walsh decided to go ahead and put them on breathing treatments for a few days to keep it from turning into something worse. The girls are a little fussy because it is hard to breathe and they cough from time to time, but on the whole, I think they are doing very well for their first illness.
Getting Bigger- While at the doctor, we learned just how much our girls are growing. Ella now weighs 14 lbs. 7 oz. and Emma is 14 lbs. 3 oz. That is the biggest difference in their weights since they were born (and they're still only 4 oz different.)

Friday, October 3, 2008

First Visit to the Fair

On Sept. 16, we ventured out to the fair. We had not planned on going until our photographer, Tracy Fuqua, decided to put one of the girls' 3 month pictures on display. (It was not judged because she selects the judges.) We decided we wanted to go see it. Ella and Emma enjoyed looking at the lights and the people, even if it was a little noisy walking through the rides and games. We went with our good friends Andrew and Mindy Fewell and their son, Cooper.
