Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Amazing What Six Months Can Do

Today, Ella and Emma are 6 months old. We can hardly believe it has been 6 months since our baby girls were born. They have learned to do so much in such a short amount of time.

Ella and Emma shortly after birth
(This picture was taken by the NICU staff and given to us. Other than the 3 second look I got in the delivery room, this was my first chance to really look at my girls.)

Now they enjoy looking at each other and holding hands.

They have recently discovered their feet. It's great! Who needs toys when I can play with my feet?


We love to smile and giggle.
Emma's paci wasn't available, but that's ok, Ella's hand will do.

Less than 5 minutes later, Ella tried out Emma's hand.
They LOVE to play peek-a-boo with their blankets. We put the blankets over their heads, and they will pull it down enough to tilt their heads back and see you. Sometimes, they even put the blanket back over their own heads to play some more.

Peek-a-Boo Momma! We see you.

Where's Ella?

There's Emma!

God has blessed us with two beautiful, healthy, and happy babies. Who could ask for anything more? We truly are doubly blessed.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Halloween, Y'all!!

We had a very happy 1st Halloween. Ella and Emma dressed up as cowgirls. Cousin Ethel Ina Carter sent us the precious outfits we used as their costumes along with the toy horses, which are one of our girls favorite toys (These horses go with us everywhere, and they sleep with them every night and during naps.) To celebrate Halloween, we went to the fall carnival at our church, followed by trick or treating at Grammie & Grandy's and Newton and Laura's houses. The girls had such a great time. They were so interested in everything that was happening, they only took about a 15 minute nap in the car between locations instead of their normal 3 hour nap. I was impressed at how well they did without the nap. Here are a few pictures:



Ella, Aleisha, and Emma at the carnival

Daddy, Ella, Mindy, Cooper, Emma, Mommy
(Cooper was a sheriff, which was too cute with our little cowgirls.)

We would like to give a special thanks to Ethel Ina for the girls costumes. They really were precious.