Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Holiday Recap

We had a very joyful holiday this year. It is so much fun having kids at Christmas time. Ella and Emma may not understand it all yet, but it was still fun shopping for them and watching them try to eat the tissue paper and gift bags with little care for what the gift was inside. Since then, they have enjoyed playing with their new toys. Here is a rundown on what we did for the holidays. (Warning: this may be a bit long.)

Dec. 20: We enjoyed Christmas with the Click Family at Newton and Laura's house. We ate, played pool, opened presents, watched a movie, and visited. We had a very nice time together.

Ella and Emma with some of their presents from Grammie and Grandy
Dec. 24: We took the girls and a couple of trays of goodies up to the NICU. We were able to see a couple of the nurses that we recognized from the first two weeks of our girls' lives.

In our new stroller outside the hospital after delivering the goodies
Christmas Eve: We read "The Night Before Christmas" in our new Christmas jammies before going to bed to wait for Santa.

Dec. 25: Santa filled our stockings and under our tree with lots of fun things.

"the stockings were hung by the chimney with care"
Lots of gifts under the tree

Enjoying stocking stuffers

Playing with our new Groove and Learn Table
Dec 30: We had just a little bit of snow that morning. It all melted that afternoon, but we wanted to get a picture of the girls in the first snow wearing their new hats and mittens.

Dec. 31- Jan. 3: We visited Bryan's grandparents, Nana and Papa, in Graham. The girls traveled down there very well, and seemed to have a good time. While we were there, Emma said her first word. On Jan. 2, she very clearly said, "Dada" several times. We even got her to say it on video. (Needless to say, I am now working on Ella saying Mama as her first word, but she hasn't done it yet.)

It's amazing how much stuff you pack for such small people

We LOVE our Nana and Papa!!
In all, we had a very blessed holiday. We are looking forward to seeing what 2009 will bring.