Monday, February 23, 2009

9 Months Old

I can't believe our girls are 9 months old! They are growing more and more each day and learning new skills too. It's hard to believe we are 3/4ths of the way through their first year of life. According to the doctor last Friday: Ella is 26 3/4" tall and 18 lbs. 3 oz. and Emma is 27 1/2" tall and 17 lbs. 15 oz. They are both healthy and progressing through the normal milestones at a good pace.

Ella: loves to play with whatever toy Emma has at the moment and will take it away from her, gets up on her hands and knees and rocks, rolls all over the living room, smiles and laughs can light up a room, says Mama and Dada, loves to "read" books a.k.a. chew on them, wins screaming matches with Daddy, and much more.

Emma: has 2 teeth, loves to stand up, is beginning to try to keep Ella from stealing her toys and even taking them back, rolls all over the living room, says Dada and Mama, likes to feed herself the Gerber Puffs, smiles and laughs can light up a room, loves to "read" books a.k.a. chew on them, and much more.

They are both so very sweet!

Ella with her head in Emma's lap

They recently realized they can see each other through the slats in their cribs. It is now very fun to pull down on the crib bumper to check on and talk to sister.

Yes, we even sleep alike!

Ella working on learning to crawl

Emma also thinking about crawling
(look closely, the white on the bottom gums are her first 2 teeth)

Ella playing with a blanket

Emma sitting with her feet crossed
(you can see the teeth even better in this picture)

Ella snuggling with Great Aunt Cindy
(she isn't frowning, she is just very relaxed)

Emma sleeping on Daddy's shoulder

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Prayer Request

Please pray for my good friend Jennifer Teague Preston. After being married for less than a year, she lost her husband, Kelly Preston, to complications from pneumonia about 2 weeks ago. Pray for her as she goes through the grieving process. Pray also that she will be able to find a job that will meet her financial needs as well as something she will enjoy doing.

For those of you who think her name sounds familiar, she attended LCU and was in LOA with me, as well as being a friend from high school summer camp. If you would like to contact her directly, let me know, and I will try to find the most secure way to get her contact information to you.