Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Keeping Up with Sister

Emma is crawling!!!!

Saturday evening Emma decided she wanted a drink out of the cup Ella was using, so she crawled over and grabbed it. I quickly ran for the video camera to try to catch it on video. To get her to crawl towards me, I built a small tower out of blocks for her to knock down. Who can resist that? Here's the video:

We did this several times, and pretty soon, Ella wanted in on the fun. Here they are crawling together:

It is so exciting to watch them learn new things! I definitely have to keep a close eye on them as they are beginning to explore. So far, they haven't really ventured outside of the living room and kitchen, but I'm sure it won't be long before I'll be searching the house for my mobile little girls.

By the way, I also discovered Emma's 3rd tooth this same day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Break Out the Baby Proofing...

Ella is crawling!!!!

Monday morning, while I was playing with Emma, I thought I saw Ella crawl for the very first time. But, in the split second it took to give her my full attention, she started playing with a toy instead. So, I quickly grabbed the video camera, just in case, and of course, she didn't do it again. Then at lunch, she got up on her hands and knees and started rocking like she has been doing for a couple of weeks. I grabbed the video camera again, and...

I could hardly believe it!!! I was so excited!!! She crawled a short distance several times in about 45 minutes. She has not done it very much since, but at least we know she can.

Standing, Swinging, and Sliding

So many new things.... So little time. In the last 2 weeks, our girls have learned many new things.




Daddy and Ella

Emma and Mommy
And when we're all done playing, we now can take a bath together:

Wild Hair
The girls are loving learning all the new things. Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe how quickly they are growing.