Friday, October 30, 2009

God Answers Prayers...

In Mysterious Ways!!!

Well, our housing saga continues. We have been praying (a lot) about selling our house and moving in with my parents while we search for a new house. God has taken care of our homelessness. We no longer have a contract on our house. The potential buyers backed out. So, it looks like we will get to be in our home for the holidays after all. This will be a very good thing. One less thing to stress about over the holidays, not having to move in with family (although we love my parents and I'm sure we would have gotten along as well as possible), not having to get a storage unit right now, etc.

We have decided to wait until after the holidays to put our house back on the market. From what we have seen, our perfect new house is either not for sale right now, not in our price range, or just not showing up in all our searches. So, while we will continue our search for our new home, we will be able to enjoy the holidays without the worry of having to keep our house spotless for potential buyers. We plan to put our house back on the market either in January or when we find a house to move into, whichever comes first.

Your continued prayers for our family as we will eventually be selling our home and buying a new one would be appreciated.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Terrific Toddlers

Ella and Emma are very fun toddlers. They love to play together, be chased, tickled, and jabber all the time. This is such a fun age. They are learning new words all the time. We still can't understand much of what they say, but they can each say about 10-15 words now. They are doing better learning to use a spoon (we still have to scoop the food onto the spoon, then they put it in their mouths).

Here are a few "eating" pictures. Emma tends to be the messier eater, but Ella can definitely make a mess as well.
Chocolate Chip Cookies (Emma above, Ella below)

Ella playing with a straw

Yummy Chicken Spaghetti!
Emma cleaning her plate (above) and Ella laughing at her (below)

Emma likes regular spaghetti also.

We LOVE to play the piano!

On October 4, my cousin got married in Kansas City. We drove up there with my sister and her family. The wedding was an outdoor ceremony. It was beautiful. Between the wedding and reception, we had time to visit with everyone there. Our girls loved walking around in the grass and climbing the steps. They probably went up and down those steps 50-100 times each.

Emma and Daddy


Emma and Daddy: All tuckered out after climbing all those steps.

On the way home from the wedding

You would think they would be tired of their car seats after all that time driving to and from Kansas City, but they started climbing in and playing with them as soon as we got them out of the car.

These are just some random fun pictures.

This is what it looks like when two 17 month olds get into your file cabinet.

Ella signing "please" to go outside.

Above: Ella, Below: Emma

House update: Our housing situation has gotten a bit complicated since I last wrote. Someone else made an offer on the house we had a contingency contract on. We had 3 days to remove our contingency or let it go. Our house did not sell in that 3 days, so we had to let it go. Four days later, we got an offer on our house. So, our house is scheduled to sell on Nov. 13. We have not yet found another house that we like enough to buy, so we are planning on living with family until we can find a house that will meet our needs at a price we can afford. Please pray for us to find a new house soon and for our sanity as we pack and move.