Monday, December 28, 2009

Cuteness between Thanksgiving and Christmas

I'm not quite ready to tackle a Christmas blog entry yet, so while I was looking through our pictures I found some really cute ones that happened between the holidays to share.

Above: Ella, Below: Emma

Emma rocking

Ella with static hair

A Christmas Treat

Our Christmas Tree
(Yes, we put a fence around our tree, and it was a great success. The girls could just barley reach a couple of the branches, but all our ornaments and presents were safe without having to only decorate the top half of the tree.)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Belated Happy Thanksgiving

We had a very busy holiday season, and as a result, I am seriously behind in updating our blog. I will try to catch up, but it might take me a little bit. Here is a brief recap of our Thanksgiving.

We visited Bryan's grandparents over Thanksgiving this year. We first traveled to Graham, TX to visit Nana and Papa. We enjoyed spending time with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents while we were there. I even had my first experience with Black Friday sales at Walmart with Bryan's aunt. That was an experience! I did get some great deals though.

Emma managed to pull many things, including this artificial fern into her bed during her nap on our first full day there. I love the expression on her face.

Our girls had a great time roaming around outside. They love walking on all the different textures, especially in the piles of leaves. (Emma has on the brown shirt, and Ella is wearing the pink.)

Playing on the stairs with Cousin Price

Ella helping sweep up their mess.

They both climbed in the box full of plastic balls and had the best time throwing them out.

On Friday, we drove to Quitaque to visit Mamaw and Papaw. Another wonderful family gathering!

Mamaw, Cousin Berkley, Ella and Emma

Thanksgiving Dinner

Playing with cousins

We had much to be thankful for this year: our wonderful girls, family, and friends, along with many other blessings, the greatest of which is our heavenly Father who watches over us and takes such good care of us. We hope you had a happy Thanksgiving and took a few moments to think about all the blessings in your lives as well.