Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Sleepy Tale

This is the tale of two little monkeys who didn't want to go to sleep.
(Authors note: You may remember from A Bed Time Tale that we had to convert the girls' cribs to toddler beds in January. In a way, this is a continuation of that story.)

For the last 5 months, two little monkeys have had Mommy or Daddy sit in the rocking chair in their room when it was time for bed, until they were fast asleep. Otherwise, the little monkeys would not stay in their beds. Well, Mommy and Daddy were getting tired of sitting in the rocking chair and decided it was time for the monkeys to learn to stay in their beds without constant supervision. After a visit with Dr. W, they had a plan. The monkeys would be put in bed, the room as baby proofed as possible, and with only a couple of reminders, they would be left on their own to see what happened.

The first two nights, Mommy and Daddy had trouble leaving them alone. They kept going in and giving reminders that it was bedtime. So, the monkeys went to sleep in about 45 minutes. Last night, after a couple of reminders, they decided to try the plan set out by Dr. W, except, they forgot to latch the closet door.

The monkeys played and laughed and jumped on the bed and got into the closet and rearranged some things and had an all around great time for about 2 hours. Around 10:00 pm, the monkeys started quieting down. (Their normal bedtime is 8:00 pm.) The Mommy and Daddy went in to check on them around 10:45, and this is what they found.
Sound Asleep: Ella (left), Emma's legs (right)

Their idea of reorganization

The shoes had been put where the blankets usually live instead of in the drawer in the closet, and the blankets were on the floor.

The next morning, the monkeys woke up within about 20 minutes of their usually time. The Mommy kept them very busy all morning, including a visit to Grammie, so they would not get an extra morning nap. By lunch time, the monkeys were very sleepy. Luckily nap time is right after lunch, however, they didn't quite make it to their beds before falling asleep.

Mommy put them to bed right after taking this picture. It could be interesting to see what the monkeys do at bedtime tonight. (The Mommy did put the blankets and other items in a better place where they can't get to them tonight and will hopefully remember to latch the closet doors.)

2 Years Old!!

My precious babies are 2 years old! I'm not sure how that is possible since I feel like it was just last week when I was pregnant with them. But, here they are. They are growing and learning so much every day.

They are each other's best friend! They play well together, most of the time. They talk to each other all the time. They will help each other do things, and even get things for each other. They are very sweet! They do fight over toys from time to time, but they share very well, too (esp. for 2 year olds).

Birthday Morning: (They now come and get in our bed when they wake up in the morning, usually around 6:30am. Today, they brought some balloons we received the day before with them.)


Emma- still sleepy

They have recently decided it is fun to play with dolls. I believe they were rocking their babies to sleep.

They love to play outside! It's especially fun to play with each other through the window.
Is that a window or a mirror?

BTBFF: Born Together, Best Friend Forever

Ella is adventurous, as long as sister is going along with her. She loves to dance and laugh. She likes to make a mess, and does so often. She is very loving and kind. She has a contagious smile.

Emma is a bit shy. She wants to test the situation out before going full force into it, but once she determines she will like it, she gives it her all. She doesn't like a mess (even though she makes plenty of them.) She will come and tell me, "mess" and want me to help her pick it up. She loves to dance and play with her sister. She is my cuddle bug.

We love them very much and praise God for the wonderful blessings He has given us in the form of our two, precious little girls!