Monday, July 18, 2011

Wonderland Night

Bryan and I took some of our engagement pictures with this exact same horse.
Bryan's work had a Wonderland night on July 15th.  Luckily for us, this timing worked out perfectly.  The girls now have a responsibility chart where they can earn stamps for completing certain responsibilities (making their bed, putting away clean silverware, going to sleep in a timely manner, etc.) They filled their chart Friday morning, and Wonderland made a perfect reward for their hard work.  They had been asking for weeks to get to ride on a merry-go-round and a train, so this was perfect.  

Ella and Emma had such a great time.  They rode most of the kiddie rides multiple times and several of the bigger rides a few times also.  They are finally 36" tall which makes them just tall enough to ride some of the bigger rides with an adult.  
1st of several rides on the Carousel

1st boat ride

2nd boat ride- Ella
(They wanted to ride in separate boats this time.)

2nd, 3rd, or 4th Boat Ride- Emma

They loved the boats and rode on them multiple times.
(This was my favorite ride as a child.)

Emma in her helicopter, again wanted to ride by herself.
She actually rode this one a time or two more than Ella.

Ella in her helicopter

Emma trying to figure out how to make it go up.

Ella's getting it figured out.

The seats on this ride were very hot, so they cried through
the entire thing and refused to try it again.

First ride in the cars.

2nd ride in the cars

Mommy and Emma on Ferris Wheel

Daddy and Ella on Ferris Wheel

They LOVED the log ride, and the water helped cool
us off a bit.  We rode this one a couple of times.

Riding the train

Being silly on the train

Ella enjoying a ride on Uncle Newton's shoulders.

Emma took a turn, also.

We had such a great time!  They keep asking to go back.  They beg to go ride the merry-go-round, cars, boats, train, etc., but not the Frog Hopper.  It was a great evening with our precious girls.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ranch Vacation

We had a another great vacation this summer, this time with my family at the ranch.  It was, once again, a hot vacation, and very dry, but still lots of fun.  The girls and I were there July 1-10, and Bryan joined us for the weekends.  We enjoyed visiting with family, playing, crafting, riding 4-wheelers, and generally having a good time.  When everyone was there we had 15 people staying in the house, and on the smaller days we had 10 people.

This year the girls were old enough I knew they would need to be entertained a bit more than in the past.  It has been so hot and dry, we were being extra cautious of rattlesnakes.  The girls were only allowed outside with an adult (and we did end up seeing and killing a couple of snakes while we were there.)  So, I went shopping a few days before the trip to find some crafts to help occupy the girls' minds and hands.

First they painted birdhouses:
Deep Concentration
Ella's Completed

Emma's completed.
On another day we made crowns:
Princess Emma
Princess Ella

Being Silly for the camera

They also painted the letters in their names to hang on the wall when we got home.

So proud of the finished product

Look what I did!
Some other fun things to do what trying to beat the heat:
Read with Cousin Carlie

Aunt Clora Ann loves reading too.
Riding the old rocking horse in the toy room

Going shopping.
(We didn't buy these hats, but don't they look cute?!?)
We did enjoy some outdoors activities.  My dad, brother, Bryan, and I went into town to play golf one morning.  I played the worst round of golf in my life, but it sure is a beautiful course.  We saw deer on a couple of holes, and a ball hit by one of us (who shall remain nameless, but it wasn't Bryan or me) came very close to hitting a deer, quite by accident of course.  We all got a good laugh out of watching that deer try to jump over the ball.

Grandy also set up the swings for the girls again.



Riding the supermarket carousel on a trip to town.
One afternoon, it was actually cool enough to play outside, and the girls decided to play with Keesha, Newton's dog.  I was very pleasantly surprised how well they got along with her, as they used to be quite afraid of dogs.  They would stand on the porch and throw Keesha's toy, run down the steps and try to get it back from her, then run back up the steps and throw it again.  They did this over and over and over for probably 30-45 minutes.  All three of them thought it was a great game.  (Keesha is such a good dog.  She knew just how much to fight these 2 little girls for the toy before letting them have it to throw again.)

4-wheeling is a favorite pastime of our whole family.  The girls would beg to go for a ride as often as possible.  They loved for Bryan to hit some golf balls out into the field, then go for a ride with him to find and pick them up.  While he wasn't there, they asked me several times to go hit and look for some balls.  We did take them for several rides, and they loved every minute of it!
Playing on a 4-wheeler in the yard.

Ella and Grammie

Emma and I

The last evening we found a dirt hill to ride on.  Oh, what fun to go up and down that hill!
Daddy and Ella
Mommy and Emma

It was another great vacation in more of God's beautiful creation.  

A special thanks to all the family who helped me take care of and entertain the girls this week.  I really appreciate it!