Friday, September 30, 2011

Level 1 Gymnastics Class

Since Ella and Emma had so much fun in the Mommy and Me Gymnastics class, we decided to enroll them in a Level 1 class this fall.  This is a class where we drop them off for an hour and come back to pick them up.  We are allowed to stay and watch the last class of each month.  These pictures are from the first of those watch days.  We were really impressed at how much better they were able to do some of the tricks compared to the summer class.

(Disclaimer: the pics aren't the best because they were taken from the bleachers on the other side of the room.)

FYI: Ella is wearing the pink and purple tie-dye leotard, and Emma's wearing the black with pink sleeves leotard.
Waiting with Ms. Bre' for class to start

Emma doing a Bridge

Ella's "Flip"

Ella's Cartwheel

Emma's Cartwheel

Strong Arms

Just flipped over the bar

Emma Strong Arms


Seat Drop

Doggie Drop

They love going to gymnastics, and I'm glad they have found something they like to do, for now at least.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Feeding the Ducks

As a reward for having a good week, we took the girls to a nearby park and fed the ducks.  They would throw the bread, then jump up and down with glee as they watched the ducks gobble it up.  So much joy!  Reminds me, as a mom, to try to find joy in the simple things in life.  I'm sure that is just one of the many aspects of children Jesus wants us to emulate.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September Silliness

Singing in the Rain

Reading with Daddy

(By the way, the ride is not on)

Emma's first drawing of a person

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of Preschool

We enrolled our girls in a Montessori preschool this fall.  It's located in a nice little building in our back yard.

Here's how that came about: About a year and a half ago, we were approached by a nice lady at our church about taking over the home preschool she had been running for 9 years.  She had decided it was time to retire, but wanted to keep the educational opportunity available for kids for years to come.  After much discussion, we decided this was great for us.  It would allow our girls to get a Montessori education, without us paying for them to go to a school.  It would allow me to make money and still work from home.  I could set my own hours and vacation days.  We bought all the equipment from her, and I spent several months becoming Montessori certified through online classes.

After all that hard work, we were ready to open this fall.  September 6, 2011 was the first day of school.  Our girls were so excited.  I have 5 students in my class this year.

Here are some first day of school pictures.
In front of our house
In front of the School
Ella took this picture of Emma
Emma took this picture of Ella
Flowers from Bryan for our First Day
We had a great first day of school!