Monday, September 30, 2013

Naps, Parade, & New Trees

Kindergarten is exhausting! 

Yes, Ella fell asleep in just that position.  
 Doesn't Emma look all cozy?
 We watched the fair parade this year.  Favorite Float: whichever ones threw the most candy.
We finally planted 2 new trees to replace our maple.  These are Chinese Pistache trees.  We had the same company who chopped down our maple plant these, and boy am I glad they were digging through those roots instead of me.  It took them two days to plant because of cutting through all the roots.  About the time they finished, a nice rainstorm blew through giving our new trees a great drink of water.  Thank you God for the rain and trees!
 Our girls with the new trees:

Friday, September 27, 2013

Back to School Night/ Fall Festival

Tonight was the Back to School night and Fall Festival.  It was nice to visit the girls' classrooms and see some of their hard work.  We also got to visit with their teachers a little bit and learned they are doing great.

The Fall Festival was running in conjuncture with Back to School night.  We enjoyed a nice spaghetti supper and fun games.  Ella and Emma love a good bounce house!  They also had police, fire, and ambulance services available to visit with and see their vehicles.  Ella and Emma went around the Cake Walk multiple times until they each won some cookies, which they graciously shared.  
All in all, it was a fun family evening.