Friday, February 28, 2014

Random Acts of Fun

How the girls and I watch the Super Bowl:
 Ice Cream!
 Ella demonstrating how to floss:
 EETV: (I was able to "watch" the news and other funny shows.)
 Climbing to new heights at the park:
 Staying warm by the fire pit Memaw and Datt gave to us for Christmas:
 The coast of California as viewed by Daddy when he went with Datt to get the new plane:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Family Bike Ride

Bryan and I gave each other new bicycles for Valentine's Day, so today we took a family bike ride to the park.  Very fun!  Looking forward to more of these as the weather warms up.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Happy Valentine's Day to our Favorite girls!  Daddy gave them balloons, and Mommy made new Elsa style dresses for their crochet dolls.
 Daddy and Mommy both made it to the school valentine's parties.  Much fun!  Delivering cards:

 Sweet Sisters:
My special valentine gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers, that I forgot to take a picture of.  I am very blessed to have 3 wonderful loves in my life!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fun in the Snow

Ella and Emma LOVE to play in the snow!  We received 3-4" of the wonderful moisture over the last couple of days, so of course we went out and played.  (Ella is wearing purple, and Emma is wearing pink.)
 Cartwheels in the snow:
 My angels making snow angels: