Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Holiday in the Park

Yesterday, we traveled to Uncle Richard and Aunt Connie's house.  After relaxing this morning, we all headed to Six Flags for Holiday in the Park.  Everyone had a great time!

 Aleisha loves taking selfies:
 Ella driving Uncle Richard around:
 We love roller coasters!  (The lines were fairly long though, so we didn't ride very may of the bigger rides.)
 Tea cups are always a favorite:
 Little legs need to rest with a ride on Daddy and Uncle Richard's shoulders after a while:
 Silly times with Daddy:
 After watching the lighting of the Christmas tree, we went to Babe's Chicken House for dinner.  It was getting cold and the park was just getting to busy for us to stay any later.

Monday, December 28, 2015


We interrupt these Christmas celebrations for a 24 hour period of howling winds and snow, followed by shoveling and snowman making.  (At least we had new toys to play with while the weather kept us inside.)

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas #2

Today was the 2nd of 3 Christmas celebrations we will enjoy this year.  We had a great day with Memaw, Datt, and family.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and like the gifts exchanged.
 A hat for baby Karsyn:

 A shawl for Memaw:

 Giant Hide-Away Pets for the girls from Price, Annie, and Caroline:
 Circle vests from Memaw for the granddaughters:

(Funny story: Memaw asked me to make these vests for her 4 granddaughters.  Well, since I couldn't exactly hide them from our girls while making them, I told them the truth,  "A lady at our church ordered them for some girls that are just about the same size as you."  That way, they could try them on to help me get the size right, and since I was making 4 of them instead of just 2 for our girls, they never suspected.  When they first opened those presents, both our girls gave out a very exasperated, "MOMMY!!"  We all got a good laugh.)

It was another very, Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Morning

We had a nice, early start to Christmas morning.  We were all so excited to see what Santa brought.  

Under the tree, we found Cabbage Patch Dolls and Puppies:
 Emma and Ella even took the official oath to care for their new babies and puppies:
 Then we moved on to our stockings:
 Then back to the tree for our gifts from each other.  Ella and Emma gave each other stuffed unicorns:
 They really loved that present:
 Mommy crocheted new winter hats for them:
 New Backpacks:
 Clothes and many other gifts:
 Daddy gave Mommy a plaque with I Corinthians 13 on it, along with several other gifts:
 Mommy gave Daddy an AR-15 lighter and several other things:
 Daddy and Mommy also gave the girls a new clothes wardrobe for their doll clothes:
Our girls used their new Easy Bake oven to make themselves a treat.
We spent all day together as a family.  BLESSED!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

After spending the evening at Memaw and Datt's house, we had our traditional Christmas Eve.

First the girls' were allowed to open one present:
 New Footie Jammies!!
 Mommy reading "The Night Before Christmas"
 Daddy reading the real story of Christmas from the Bible:
 Putting out goodies for the reindeer:
 All ready for Santa: