Monday, February 23, 2015

Emma's 2nd Lost Tooth

I went to have lunch with our girls at school and ended up pulling Emma's second tooth while there.  
I tried and tried to pull Ella's tooth too, but it's just not quite ready yet.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reading Under the Stars

Our school had Reading Under the Stars night.  Daddy took the girls because Mommy had a meeting.    They were very excited to walk in and discover Elsa was there to read to them.  There were other members of the community there as well, but Elsa was by far their favorite.
I love how much our girls love reading!  They are both about a year ahead of their expected level for this point in first grade.  So proud of all the hard work they have put into that accomplishment!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Emma's Sign and a New Outfit

Emma accidentally spilled some water in the kitchen.  After cleaning it up, she made this sign:
Coshin wet flor
be cafl
(Caution wet floor be careful)

Mommy made new outfits for the girls and the dolls for an upcoming trip to Disney:

Saturday, February 14, 2015

No Training Wheels!

Beautiful weather on this Valentine's Day means it's time to try to teach the girls to ride their bikes without training wheels.  We went to our neighborhood park so if/when they fell it would be on grass and not painful.  While I was helping Emma get on her bike, Daddy gave Ella a push and off she went!  So, I gave Emma a push, and she was off just as well.  We worked on stopping without falling and trying to get started, but as far as riding goes- they didn't need any help.  They still struggle with getting started some because the bikes are a bit too tall for them to balance when starting.  They did so great!  We went for ice cream afterwards to celebrate.  It was an absolutely great day with my family!

Valentine's Day

We started celebrating yesterday at the girls' school Valentine's parties.  (I forgot to take Emma's picture.)
 Then, Ella and Emma exchanged the gifts they bought for each other- new teddy bears.
 This morning, our precious girls made and brought us breakfast in bed:
 Daddy gave all 3 of his girls flowers. (I forgot to take pictures of my roses as well.)
 Mommy and Daddy gave the girls some new books:
After getting around and running some errands, we went to Pescarez for lunch. Yummy!

We are blessed to love and be loved by each other!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fabulous Family Time

After going to Noah's birthday party, we took the girls to play at the park.  We played, walked all the way around the lake, and played some more.  Our girls were really wanting to play with Daddy today, and he was rather obliging.  It was a fabulous day!
(These pictures remind me of the pictures in this post from when the girls were only 2, right at 4 years ago.)