Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sleeping Beauties

When our girls were babies, their favorite toys were these flat little horsies they carried everywhere.  When they were 4 years old, those horsies were traded in for new toys.  Then, earlier this month, Mommy and Daddy came across some slightly larger and stuffed, but very similar looking horses while on a date night.  They really touched Mommy's heart with memories.  So, while Mommy went to the potty, Daddy snuck back into the shop and bought these new horses for our sweet girls.  They loved them almost as much as Mommy did.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

June Memories

New Living Room Furniture:
 Mommy reading to her girls:
 Mommy and Daddy had a date night to see Texas:
 Jumping on the trampoline with a sprinkler:
 A little bit of silly:
 Movie with a friend:
 Lost teeth:
 At the wedding of one of daddy's co-workers and our first gymnastics teacher:
Summer is off to a great start around here!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Happy Birthday to the best Daddy in the world!  We love you so very much!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Spring Soccer

Ella and Emma enjoyed playing soccer again this spring.  They had the same coach as in the fall, but many of their teammates had changed.  There were several more girls on this team.  Both girls' skills have improved.  Emma even scored a couple of goals this season, and Ella came very close a few times.  They really had a lot of fun.
 Emma and Coach Bryan getting her trophy and medal:
 Ella and Coach Bryan getting her trophy and medal:

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

First Piano Lesson

Our girls had their first piano lesson today.  It went great!  We love our teacher, Mrs. Grace!! I am hoping this will turn into a life-long activity for our girls!