Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Girls Day!

Today was filled with all things girlie: shopping, pedicures, and cupcakes.  Love spending this time with my girls!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Summertime Fun!

Swimming at Memaw's with Aleisha:
 Playing American Ninja Warrior at the playground:
 Getting thrown into the pool by Mommy and Daddy while fully clothed, just because:
 Emma missing another tooth:
 Our sweet girls bringing breakfast in bed to Mommy: (Daddy doesn't eat breakfast very often, so they didn't know what to bring for him.)
 And they still love sleeping together:

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Celebrating the 4th at the Ranch

This year we tried some new activities during our annual trip to the family ranch, while still enjoying many of our usual activities.

On our way there, we made a brief stop at Clayton Lake.  While I've been visiting the ranch my entire life, this was the first time I remember ever going to this lake.  We hiked the trail to see the dinosaur tracks and walked down to the edge of the water.  It was hot out there, but neat to see.

Dinosaur Tracks:
 A dino's great- great- great- great grandson:
 After the lake, we finished our trip out to the ranch.  Our girls helped drive the dirt road portion:
 We also taught the girls some gun safety and how to shoot a BB gun:
 And of course, there was much time spent on 4-wheelers:
 Where Mommy and Ella got stuck:
 We always love playing on the swings:
 We also took a side trip out to Folsom Falls with Grammie.  God's creation is just gorgeous, isn't it?!

 Then we toured the Folsom Museum, and our girls enjoyed ice cream afterwards.
 I just love this picture of Ella:
 Emma on the windmill tower:
 Fireworks for the 4th:
 Ready for church:
 And of course, one last swing before we left: