Monday, July 25, 2016

Visiting Family and Six Flags

Vacation!  This vacation was filled with family and fun.

We drove to Nana and Papa's house for a visit Thursday night.
 Ready to go!
 Then, we went to Brent and Laura's house, where we visited with Laura and Lillian.  Followed by a visit with Abby and Jeremy.  The girls had a great time swimming and playing with Katherine while we were there.
 Now, on the Six Flags where we met up with Harmony, Raylee, and Reese. The lines got shorter as the temperatures became more bearable, so we stayed until the park closed at 10:00.
 We spent the night with Connie and Richard.  Unfortunately, Emma fell out of bed in the night, but she was so tired, she didn't even wake up.
 Back to Six Flags on Saturday.  It was unbearably HOT and the lines were long!  That resulted in not getting to ride very much.  Sure glad we came the night before and rode several things then.  As a bribe to get the girls to ride Titan, we promised them face painting.

 Back to Connie and Richard's to clean up and go watch The Secret Life of Pets at a dinner movie theater.
What fun to see so much family and ride some roller coasters!

Monday, July 18, 2016


"Summertime, Summertime, Sum, Sum, Summertime!"

Emma Monkey:
 Ella Monkey:
 Went to visit Daddy at work after playing at the park, but he was out running errands:
 What do you do when your kids can't sleep at 11:00 pm? Ice Cream and Dance party!  Making memories.

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Ranch- 2016

Here are a few pictures from this years trip to the ranch.

Ella driving down the dirt road:
 Emma's turn:
 Rainbow near Malpi:
 Fourth of July Fireworks:
 Sparkler Fun:
 Clora Ann made sure Ella had plenty of whipped cream on her rainbow pancakes:
 All tuckered out: