Sunday, June 1, 2008

Reasonably Hopeful

We had quite the surprise when we got to the hospital this morning. Both Ella and Emma's NG tubes had been removed! The nurses said they were going to really push them to finish their bottles at all feedings today. If the girls will eat from their bottles at every feeding for the next 24 hours, we will be able to room in with them on Monday night. Assuming all goes well with that, we will be able to take them home on Tuesday morning!!!!!
The girls also had to pass the "car seat challenge." They had be in their car seats for 2 hours while having their heart rates, breathing, and pulse ox monitored. According to the nurse, they passed with flying colors. It was so neat to see them in the car seats. They are getting more and more ready to come home.

Aren't we cute? All tucked in our car seats with nowhere to go.

Ella and Emma
Between getting a Hep B shot, bath, car seat challenge, and bottle feeding every 3 hours, our girls were all worn out. Ella was particularly exhausted, as you can tell by this picture.
Both girls were able to eat from bottles all throughout the day today. If this continues throughout the night and tomorrow, we will not be able to update the blog tomorrow night. Instead we will be taking care of our girls for one night at the hospital before brining them home. Hopefully our next post will have pictures of Ella and Emma at HOME in their own beds!!!

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