Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Fun

It's hard to believe it has been almost a month since I last updated this. We have had a busy month. The girls are growing more and more each day. They are now 9 weeks old. We have a doctor's appointment on Thursday to see just how much they have grown (and to get yucky shots). I am amazed at how much they can already do. Let me take just a minute to brag: They have more head control, can find the source of a sound, focus their eyes for longer periods of time, and even grab a toy occasionally. They are beginning to discover their hands and will suck on them if the pacifier is not available. It is all very exciting.

Ella accidentally holding her bottle
We love it when daddy bounces us in our bouncy seats!
Emma is sleeping through her tummy time.
Ella likes to sleep too!

We spent 3 days at the ranch for the Fourth of July. It was great to get out of the house and out of town for a few days. We didn't tell the family that we were coming, so it was a fun surprise. The Click family had a great time while we were there. I was glad we got to introduce our girls to their family from California. The girls also took the traditional first bath in the ranch sink. They were surrounded by all the paparazzi in the family for the event.

Uncle Dennis claimed to be scared of us, but he sure did enjoy playing with us for a long time our first morning there!
Emma's first bath in the ranch sink.
Ella's first bath in the ranch sink.

This weekend also included the girls' first time at worship. We attended church on Sunday morning in Des Moines. We have since been to worship at our home congregation, Comanche Trail church of Christ, twice.

Church in Des Moines, NM

Church at Comanche Trail

In addition to all of this, I resigned my teaching position. I still need to find a part time job of some sort to help with the financial responsiblities. I would prefer something I could do from home, but am not sure what that might be. So if anyone has any ideas of work I can do from home or other part time jobs, I'm open to suggestions and ideas.

It has been a good month. I hope to do better about updating more often, but no guarantees with 2 infants who deserve my time and attention.


Laura said...

Great pics! I'm excited for you that you have taken the leap of faith to resign. I'll be praying that you find just the right thing to supplement income.

BTW, over the next few weeks while our house is being shown, I might give you a call and come hang out some while I get booted from this house. I need to see those sweet girls again.

Anonymous said...

Laura, come on over. We would love the help... I mean company.