Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baby Blessing

On Sunday, August 3rd, our church family had a baby blessing for our girls. After introducing them to the congregation, Dale Young, one of our elders, said a prayer for them. It was very sweet. Norman & Connie, Cled & Rita, and Ottis & Rita were all there.
Dale Young giving words of encouragement.

These bracelets were a gift from Paula Taylor.

Ella and Emma are continuing to do well. They are both sleeping about 8 hours a night with only a couple of demands for pacifiers around 5 or 6 AM. They can both hold their heads up fairly well now. They still look at little like bobble heads, but it is getting better. 

We are finally getting the crib thing worked out. For those of you who don't know, our cribs were recalled. Apparently, the slats can break and babies have gotten caught in between them causing scrapes and bruises. So, we had to jump through all the hoops (filling out forms, taking them apart, sending all the hardware in, getting vouchers, etc) only to discover that we didn't like any of the cribs available at our local Babies R Us. We found some online, but we couldn't use the vouchers online. To make a long story short, after getting told different things by the 800 number and the manager of the local store on multiple occasions, Bryan finally went and talked to the store manager and worked it out. So, new cribs are on order and should be on their way soon. If you have any ideas of what to do with all the wood from the first cribs, let us know.

Here are just a few more sweet pictures.
Napping with Daddy
Emma holding her head up "looking" for her paci.Emma sleeping. They have started finding their hands to suck on
when they can't find the paci.
Ella is very relaxed.

1 comment:

Harmony said...

They are so adorable! Thanks for sharing more pics - I love them.