Friday, September 5, 2008

Frogs, Grins, and Cribs

Ella and Emma are growing and changing more and more each day. Ella now weighs 12 pounds, and Emma has now passed her weighing 12 pounds 2 ounces. Emma is enjoys rolling over from her tummy to her back, and Ella can hold onto toys pretty well for a few seconds. They have also figured out how to smile. We get some wonderful grins quite frequently now.

Their favorite song is The Little Green Frog. They just smile and laugh. Here's a brief video:

New Cribs: Hooray!! The new cribs finally came in. I really like them. They are not quite as tall as the original ones, and they have a drawer for storage underneath. As much hassle as it was to get them, it all worked out for the best. The girls are doing pretty well with the adjustments of sleeping in their own room in separate beds. Although, they have now gotten in the habit of waking up several times between 4 am and when they get up at 7:30 am wanting their pacifiers. I'm not sure how to break this habit, but boy are we missing sleeping through the night.

First Night in Cribs

These are just some sweet pictures we have taken in the last month or so.

Look... I am finding my thumb.
"Am I looking in a mirror?"


The Thomas Train said...

Oh, so cute!! Kaitlyn watched your video with me and just loves the "babies!!!!" I am still trying to find time to get up there...hope I can see you soon.

Laura said...

They are so sweet. I've got to make some time to come by very soon. Maybe a drop in after school?

Connie said...

VERY CUTE! I am impressed you got them to respond at the same time. Great timing. Love you all!