Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Break Out the Baby Proofing...

Ella is crawling!!!!

Monday morning, while I was playing with Emma, I thought I saw Ella crawl for the very first time. But, in the split second it took to give her my full attention, she started playing with a toy instead. So, I quickly grabbed the video camera, just in case, and of course, she didn't do it again. Then at lunch, she got up on her hands and knees and started rocking like she has been doing for a couple of weeks. I grabbed the video camera again, and...

I could hardly believe it!!! I was so excited!!! She crawled a short distance several times in about 45 minutes. She has not done it very much since, but at least we know she can.


The Thomas Train said...

Yea!! Crawling is fun. Bryndan rolled forever then only crawled for one month. He found out walking is faster. Kaitlyn crawled early, (so she could chase Bryndan) but took a while to walk. It is so neat to see little ones enjoying their world from different heights. With two, I'm sure you are in for a fun ride.

Connie said...

How precious! So glad you had the video camera handy! Big kisses from Aunt Connie!

Enjoli DeLeon said...

How sweet!! I am so glad you shared!! You'll have to check out my blog too!!

Gena said...

Too cute! See ya tomorrow too!