Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Long Overdue Update and some Big News

I know it has been a long time since I have updated, but life is just a little crazy around here. We are all doing well. Ella and Emma are growing and learning new things every day. They are trying to figure out how to climb onto and into things right now. I could probably do an entire post of pictures of them sitting/ standing/ climbing in various locations. They are jabbering a lot and beginning to try to repeat some words. It won't be long before we will be able to understand all the wonderful things they keep trying to tell us.

Our New Bible Class
Our church family has been blessed with so many new babies in the last year, they decided to move our girls up to the next class. They seem to be doing very well sitting in their big girl chairs.

We took the girls to Wonderland this summer. They were too little for most of the rides, but they did enjoy the carousel.

Climbing into and out of the cradle is great fun!

Contrary to the looks on our faces, we love lemons!

New Big Girl Car Seats

Ella learning to use a spoon, "Use the other end, sweetheart."

Emma learning to use a spoon (only she wanted to hold onto it with her teeth).

Is this drawer for tupperware or toddlers?

We LOVE to play outside and try to walk in the grass.

Classic Pic: Sitting on the Dishwasher

Sweet Emma Smile

They thought having this bucket on their heads was the funniest thing ever.
(above: Ella, below: Emma)

And now on to the big news. NO, I am NOT pregnant. We are moving! Just across town, but still moving! A month or so ago, I was approached by a lady at our church who has a montessori preschool in her home. She is retiring and offered to sell it to me. After much deliberation, we decided to buy it. This decision requires me to get the Montessori training (which I plan to start in January), and we need room for a classroom. We had already been casually looking for a bigger house, but we really stepped up our search. About 2 weeks ago, we found a great house in a great neighborhood, with 1200 more square feet than we have now, in our price range. We currently have a contingency contract on that house and put our house on the market today. So, we are now doing our best to live in a pristine house until we can get a contract on it, (not an easy task with two almost 16 month olds running around). I will not start the preschool until the girls are 3 and can be in the first class. This will allow me to stay home with them and then follow their school schedule when they are old enough for that to be an issue. We are very excited about this new opportunity, and hope it will work out for the best. Your prayers would be appreciated that this will all work out for the best.

1 comment:

LisaN said...

Congratulations! That sounds like a wonderful opportunity, and I am very excited for you guys! The new pics of the girls are ADORABLE, too, and it looks like you have your hands full! :-)