Thursday, March 11, 2010


We had a couple of beautiful days last week, and the girls really loved playing in the backyard. They would run around, in and out of the house just giggling. They also love playing in the dirt. They try to pick it up and throw it. I figure, as long as they aren't throwing it at each other or anyone else, it'll be ok. (I do stop them from throwing rocks though.) We got a nice rain one day, and these pictures are from the day after that. They still wanted to throw the dirt, but they got into the mud a bit instead.

Ella getting ready to throw some mud.
(Doesn't Emma look mischievous in the background?)

Ella running around

Emma having fun

Emma would wipe her hands together to get the mud off, then go back for more.

Emma's muddy hands & Ella trying to make hers muddy too.

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