Tuesday, July 27, 2010

May 22- E & E's 2nd Birthday Party

Ella & Emma are 2 years old, and we had several family members join us to celebrate that grand occasion.  The girls had recently decided Elmo was their favorite character, so he was the theme of the party.
Mommy made our cake and cupcakes.
 They really had fun opening presents:

Eating goldfish (and picking up ones that dropped):

And of course, HAVING CAKE!! Yum, Yum!
Emma likes Mommy's cupcake
Ella & Emma using their napkins

They also had fun just being 2.
Ella and a balloon.
Helping Grammie who had knee replacement surgery the week before.
Emma reading with Aleisha
Ella reading

We are so blessed to have 2 beautiful, caring, energetic, loving girls.  We are also blessed to have such a supporting family who love our girls and gave them so many nice gifts.  Thank you everyone!  It was a great party!

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