Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sweet Moments in March


And of course we have to have some sleeping pictures:

It is rare for them to sleep during church anymore,
so that made this cuddle time all the more special.

Emma fell asleep during lunch.

Trying to take a nap on Datt's plane proved to be a bit difficult.
Poor babies, looked like bobble heads the whole time.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Living Room Remodel

Amidst all the other day to day activities, we decided to remodel our living room.  The original plan was to take down the wallpaper, add texture, and paint.  Well, you know how home improvement projects seem to grow...
Before: Notice the Grass cloth wallpaper and dark paneling.
Removing the wallpaper didn't work out so well.  It was 4 layers thick in half the room and on top of a nice texture in the other half.  Not much chance of getting all the paper off or matching the texture that already existed.
So we decided to gut the room down to the studs:

That's when we discovered there is no insulation in the outside walls of this house.  So, we added new insulation before putting the new drywall up.  We also replaced all the 2 prong outlets for 3 prong and put in new light switches.

Next came texturing and painting the walls. We added a personal touch by putting the girls' hand prints in the texture.

We stained and installed new baseboards and door facings to match the old crown molding (which we reinstalled.)

We also decided to get rid of the 1960's avocado green circle glass panel by the front door and put some glass block in it's place.  (This is the only part of the job we hired someone else to do.)  And yes, we do plan on painting the front door one of these days, also.

Finally, we were able to clean it all up and put our living room back together.  We still need to find some new curtains, but we think it turned out great!

The Final Product
I want to extend a special thank you to my dad for all the hard work and endless hours he put into this project.  It would not have been possible without him.  Thanks also to my mom for letting him spend all that time at our house.  Thanks to my husband for all his hard work and dedication and putting up with the mess and stress.  Thanks to my children for finding a way to play without getting hurt or making a bigger mess than we had already made.  

It was a much bigger job than we originally planned, but I'm very pleased with the results!

Monday, March 28, 2011

So Many New Skills!

This month we have worked on learning how to:
Work Clothes Pins
Put Away Silverware (Emma)
Put Away Silverware (Ella)
Stack pillows on Memaw to entertain myself during a baby shower
Play on a still treadmill during a shower
Walk on a still treadmill
Ride a 4-wheeler with Datt
Sword Fight
Participate by singing during worship
Say our 1st Memory Verse- Genesis 1:1
And many others things as well.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Master Climbers

Now that it's warming up a bit, we have taken the girls to the park a couple of times.  I am just amazed at how well they can climb up on all the equipment this year compared to last year.  They can get up on just about any piece of equipment they set their minds to conquer.  Of course, some of that climbing makes the Momma a little nervous, but I try to stay close enough for comfort, but not so close they think I'm trying to help.  It seems like every time I turn around, I'm seeing them do something new and more difficult than the day before.

These first pictures were taken when we went to a playdate at the park with some friends from church:
We LOVE to swing!
One afternoon we went to our neighborhood playground.  This playground is located by the elementary school, so I was a little worried the activities would be a bit tough for our girls to do.  Boy did they prove me wrong!

Emma worked and worked to figure out how
to climb this wall.  And she did!

Then she showed Ella how to do it.

After all that hard work to climb up,
we love to slide back down.
