Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Family Vacation in Junction

We went to Junction with Bryan's family again this year for vacation.  It was very hot, but lots of fun seeing family.  The girls enjoyed playing with their cousins and getting attention from grandparents, great- grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  And the scenery there is simply beautiful.
Reading with Nana 
We spent quite a bit of time, especially in the evenings playing in the water.  At first they just enjoyed swimming in the kiddie pool, but then they tried out the Slip 'N' Slide.  It wasn't anything special until Daddy and Uncle Corey started helping them slide.  Then, it was so exciting!  Lots of giggles as they slid through the water.  They also decided playing in the sprinklers was fun too.  The nice, cool water provided plenty of entertainment while helping to cool off after a hot day.

Caroline, Emma, and Annmarie

Daddy sliding Annmarie.

There goes Caroline!

Price joined in the fun too.
Ella- loving it!

Emma's having fun!

Ella and Emma making a big splash together.
They were trying to spray the adults and succeeding.
 Playing in the river was another fun pastime.  We liked to go down and play in the morning before it got too hot.  The girls favorite thing to do in the river was throw rocks.  (They are their father's daughters.)

Trying to drive back to the house.
 Another favorite thing to do is swing in the tire swing.  I'm not sure just how tall the tree is that this swing is attached to, but it is huge.  The girls LOVED swinging as high as they could.  You can see from one of these pictures, they were way over Bryan's head.  Lots of fun giggles and "Push us some more!" from two very happy girls.

We had 2 negatives that happened, and both at the very end of our trip.  On the last evening, Emma started swelling up.  Her poor face was so swollen, and her torso was covered in a rash.  We have no idea what she was allergic to, but she was obviously having an allergic reaction to something.  Luckily, one of their aunts is a nurse.  She checked Emma out and went into town for some medicine.  The swelling and rash lasted a couple of days, then cleared up on its' own.  The other one happened as we were packing up to leave the last morning.  Ella was running around outside and fell, hitting her chin on a rock.  She has a pretty nasty cut on her chin.  We hope it heals quickly with little to no scar.
Sweet, Swollen Emma
Overall, it was a great vacation!  Always fun to get away for a while and spend some time with family enjoying God's beautiful creation.

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