Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mommy's Birthday Cake

My birthday began in the best way possible, my wonderful husband and precious girls singing, "Happy Birthday" to me.  Shortly thereafter, the girls began asking about my birthday cake.  When I told them we didn't have one, they insisted on making one.  I told them to go into their play kitchen and make me a cake, but they insisted I needed a "real birdday cake".  I checked to see if we had the ingredients, thinking that might get me out of making a cake for myself.  Sure enough, we were missing items.  Around this time, my parents called to wish me happy birthday.  When I was telling them about how sweet the girls were and how they really wanted to make a "real" birthday cake for me, my mom told me she was going to go to the grocery store that morning and would gladly get what I needed.  I decided, if the girls and I were going to make a cake, I wanted a cheesecake.  So, after mom brought over our missing ingredients, we got busy baking.
Ready go get started
The girls thought it was sad that I didn't have a chef's hat to,
but not sad enough to share one of theirs with me.
Inventive girls figured out how to use their cups to smash
the graham crackers for the crust.

Adding Ingredients
More Ingredients

Measuring Milk
Emma Stirring
Ella Stirring 
Watching it Bake
(I think this is my favorite picture.)
Enjoying the results


It turned out so tasty.  I'm really very glad the girls insisted on making a "real" birthday cake for me.

P.S.  The adorable aprons and hats the girls are wearing were from their cousin's birthday party.  Even though our girls were unable to attend, she sent them hats and aprons anyway.  Thanks, Annie!

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