Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beauty and the Beast in 3D

Pretty much everyone who knows us, knows we are huge Disney fans.  Our house is full of Mickey Mouse memorabilia, we own at least one copy of almost every fully animated Disney movie, and our dream vacations usually include trying to see The Mouse in person.  So, when Beauty and the Beast came back out in theaters in 3D, we had to go see it.  Ella and Emma have seen it multiple times on DVD, and they've seen a couple of movies on the big screen.  However, this would be their first 3D movie.  What a great time we had!

We told the girls we had a surprise for them.  They tried to guess the whole time we were in the car, and actually guessed the movies, but we would neither confirm nor deny their guesses.  We took them into the building and walked over to the movie poster to show them what we were watching.  (The picture is a bit fuzzy because they were jumping up and down in excitement.)

We then headed to the theater.  They were so excited.  They wanted to put their 3D glasses on immediately, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well they kept the glasses on during the film.  (We did help Emma put hers on the correct way before the movie started.)

They were memorized by the movie and loved every minute of it, with the possible exception of when Emma was so enthralled, she was sitting on the very edge of her seat causing her to fall to the floor with the booster seat falling on top of her.  A quick hug and having her sit on my lap, along with the diversion of the movie and that ordeal was over very quickly.  The film was as wonderful as ever, and spending time with my family was the best part of all!

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