Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Little Gymnists

Ella and Emma wanted to continue taking gymnastics this semester.  It took a few weeks for them to get used to their new teacher, Ms. Brandi, but I am constantly amazed at how much they are learning and how strong they are.

This class is in the afternoon and is the only class in the gym.  (A huge improvement over being in there with the team and 2 other classes all at the same time.)  Ms. Brandi has taught them on every apparatus and focuses on some of the technical stuff that is important in the gymnastics world, like always putting your hands up after completing a trick.  I sit in the waiting area during class with some of the other moms and will occasionally peek in the windows to see what they are working on now.  I was so excited to have a watch day and see what all they had learned.  (FYI: Ella's in purple tie dye, and Emma's wearing the black with pink sleeves and heart.)
Side Splits

Emma's Bridge

Ella's Bridge

Ella's Cartwheel 

Emma's Cartwheel

This video shows them learning a back-kick over and some bar work.  The voice in the background while Emma is on the bar is another mom near me talking to her little Emma, not ours.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

February Fun

Learning to wash dishes at preschool.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Price's Birthday

Our nephew decided to celebrate his 6th birthday with a party where most of his cousins, family, and friends live instead of in his hometown.  So, since it was here, we were excited to go.  Ella and Emma had a fun afternoon playing, exploring, and having cousin time.  The cupcakes and snow cones were the "icing on the cake" for them.

Ella enjoying a cupcake.

Emma indulging in a sucker.

Modeling the shirts we received as party favors.
Happy 6th Birthday Price!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


We recently received a coupon in the mail for some free games of bowling.  What a fun family outing this would be!  We all had a great time.  Ella and Emma did very well, for their first time bowling.

First up was Ella.  Daddy helped her line the ramp up, and she pushed the ball as hard as she could.  Wouldn't you know it?  STRIKE!!!!!  The first ball of the day, her first time to ever send a ball down a bowling lane, was a strike!  We could hardly believe it.

Ella would frequently push up in "strong arms"
(a position she's learned in gymnastics on the bar)
to watch her ball go down the lane.
Next came Emma.  Mommy helped her line the ramp up, and it wasn't a strike, but she did knock down 6 pins that first try.

Mommy had one of the best games, she's ever had.  (Of course we did have the bumpers up.)

Daddy had a pretty good game also.  The bumpers actually hurt his game a little because when he throws the ball usually rides right by the gutter before turning in to hit the pins.  The bumpers would sometimes send his ball off in a weird direction.

We had decided to go ahead and play two games, but we quickly discovered one would have been enough.  The girls were tired, and not nearly as interested the second game.  But, when you think about it, they were lifting, carrying and bowling with 6 pound balls (the lightest the alley had), which is 1/5 their body weight.  And they did that about 36 times in just one game.  I can understand their fatigue.  So, to liven things back up again, we let them bowl with whichever ball they wanted.  It was humorous watching them try to carry the heavier balls.
Ella with Daddy's Texas Rangers Ball
1st Game
2nd Game- Notice Emma almost beat Mommy
All in all, it was marvelous family time creating great memories!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

We had a rather uneventful Valentine's day.  The girls and I celebrated with a little party at school, and Bryan and I had celebrated the night all the sickness started.  We still enjoyed being together and remembering how much we love each other.
Finger Painting at School Party
My WONDERFUL husband gave me a package
of my favorite candy.  Yummy!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Blah!!! Sickness

Friday Night: Memaw and Datt had the girls for the night.  We were going on a date to celebrate Valentine's early.  All was going well, when we got THE call.  Emma's running a fever and Ella's coughing.  Ok, nothing serious, just give them a little medicine, some TLC, and we'll see you in the morning.  Call if it gets worse. No more phone calls, Yeah! Everyone must be doing better right? Nope.

Saturday: Both girls running fever and coughing.  Ella complaining of a sore throat.  I start remembering one child and the sibling of another child at preschool have strep throat.  Oh no.  Maybe it's just a cold or something.  Hopefully?.?

Sunday: Girls and I stay home from church.  I think I'm getting it also.  Cancel school for Monday.

 2 hours at Urgent Care (Pediatrician is out of town, and my doctor won't see the girls.)  All 3 of us have strep throat, Ella and Emma have croup, and Emma has an ear infection.  5 medications between us.  Cancel school for Tuesday.

Tuesday: Ella and I appear to be on the mend, Emma's still sick.

Wednesday: Emma's fever spikes.  Ella recovering.  I have school with only 2 of my 5 students.  Daddy stays home in the morning to take care of girls.

Thursday: Emma's fever spikes again.  Daddy takes her to the pediatrician, who is back, while Ella and I go to school.  Poor Emma- 2 shots, 2 special breathing treatments, and a new prescription for the strongest antibiotic you can give a 3 year old because her ear infection got worse instead of better.  In the evening, Ella starts to get whiny and complain her ear is now hurting.  Sympathy pains? Cries for attention? Getting an ear infection?  My nose is a faucet, but other than that I'm feeling better.

Friday:  Ella's fever is back.  Grrrrrr...  The mom of the only other student I have on Fridays is very sympathetic and takes her child back home.  (Afraid of germs? Probably.)  Grammie comes over to watch Emma, and I take Ella to the Dr.  Poor Ella: Ear infection, 2 shots, and 1 special breathing treatment.  Grammie watched girls so I could go clean the office.  They were still taking nap when I came home.
Emma in the Play House
Ella on the couch
Saturday: Woke up to 2 sweet, happy, fever-free girls.  They seem to be much better.  All 3 of us still have some symptoms, but we are all doing much better! Yeah

A very special thank you to the best Daddy and husband in the whole world, who took great care of all three of us during this very long week!