Monday, December 31, 2012

Kansas City Vacation

The day after Christmas, we loaded up the car and headed to Kansas City.  My cousin, Brittany, was getting married, and we decided to make a vacation out of it.  So we went a couple of days early to participate in some touristy activities.  It was a long trip, but the girls were very good travelers!  The next morning, we headed to Crown Center and LegoLand!  We arrived a little before our scheduled time, so the girls played on the giant toys under the giant Christmas tree while waiting to enter LegoLand.
I'm not sure who had more fun in LegoLand, Daddy or the girls.  There were a couple of small rides, which was our favorite parts, but we also enjoyed looking at the models and building some of our own.  
When we had all the fun we could stand, we walked across the street to a shopping center for lunch at the Crayola Cafe.  Very fun and kid friendly.  The girls loved getting to color and draw in the Crayola store while waiting for our table to be ready.
After lunch, we headed to my Aunt Cindy's house to visit with the family a little bit before heading back to the hotel.  Ella and Emma were all worn out from our activities that morning.
On Friday, we decided to visit a Children's Museum.  But first, we went to a mall to visit the Disney Store.  We were surprised to fine a double leveled carousel in the middle of the mall.  We rode it several times while there.
The Children's Museum was actually an old elementary school which has been converted.  They had different activities in the classrooms.  Ella and Emma had a blast here!! So many fun things to do, and all of them right on their level.  It was wonderful.
This room had hundreds of ping pong balls and several different apparatuses
to use them on, learning about force, gravity, and angles. 
This room was set up as a nursery/ doctor's office/ vet office.
The gym had legos on one end and this vacuum tube set up
by one of the walls.  Such fun to make the scarves blow through
the tubes and out into our faces!
What kid doesn't enjoy playing in the water?
Daddy- after going through most of the museum
After the museum, we loaded back up and headed to a large house in the country where the cousins would be staying for the remainder of the trip.  We spent that night and most of the next day visiting and catching up on various cousins' activities.  Saturday afternoon was the wedding.  Very beautiful bride and wedding! Very fun reception.
Daddy/ Daughter(s) Dance
Sunday, we enjoyed a nice worship service with our cousins, followed by lunch at Cindy's house.  We went to The Plaza portion of Kansas City for a very cold, but fun sleigh ride to look at all the beautiful Christmas lights.
The scarves with attached puppets/ mittens I made for the girls while on this trip.
Ella, Aleisha, Emma

We spent one more night before heading home on Monday.  It was a very nice mini-vaction.  We loved the time with family and witnessing Brittany's wedding.  

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