Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Angels Beckon Me Song and a Silly Dance

The other day, the girls were sitting at the kitchen table when they asked me if we could sing "the song about angels from church."  Not having any clue which song they wanted, I asked for more information.  They said, "You know mom, the one that goes 'the angels beckon me from heavens open Lord, and I can't feel at home in this door any more.'"  Even with the missed words, their sweet little voices singing the song made it instantly recognizable.  They wanted to sing "This World is Not My Home."  So we sang it, and have been singing it ever since!  They sing it loud and proud every time it is lead at worship (even requesting it when the opportunity arises), and many times at home since.

The second part of the video is a silly little dance they love to do any time someone is willing to watch.

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