Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Beds

I've been thinking for a while that it might be time to get twin beds for the girls.  They have slept in a queen size bed together since they were 2.5 years old.
Although, I may miss catching more of these cute sleeping arrangements on camera, I started talking to the girls about having their own beds.  Ella has agreed for a couple of weeks (mostly because Emma tends to turn sideways and kick her), but Emma was the hold out.  Then one day, Emma was saying she was cold because Ella kept stealing her covers.  Once I explained to her that if she had her own bed, Ella couldn't steal her covers any more, she was all for getting her own bed.  So, then the search began for beds.  We found a great deal on these twin beds that can be stacked into bunks at some point, if we decide to do that.  They were missing some hardware and needed to be cleaned up a bit, but both of those things made the price much more affordable.  We decided to make this their birthday present this year.  So, while they were at Grammie's house, we got them all set up in their room.

They were so Excited!!!

Grammie and Grandy took them shopping to pick out their new bedding as a birthday present.

And, I'm happy to report, they spent the first night, each in their own bed, and loved it.

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