Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ranch Vacation

We spent the 4th of July with my family at our ranch.  We were there for 4 days and had a great time visiting, riding four wheelers, watching fireworks, and more.

This will be the last year they will fit in the baby swings:
 Fourth of July Fireworks:
 First Sparklers:
Puzzles, a ranch tradition:
 Aleisha taught the girls to shoot the bow and arrow this year.  (Ella is in the first pic, Emma in the second.) Emma even managed to get one stuck high in a tree.
 We rode the four wheelers to the top of Malpi, an extinct volcano near by.  Bryan and the girls enjoyed throwing rocks over the edge.  We also took advantage of God's beautiful creation to take a few pictures.  The most fun was riding down the large pile of rocks, though!
 Isn't that just beautiful!
 Saturday evening, on our way back down the caliche road to the house, we gave the girls each a turn to drive.  Emma was a little better at keeping it on the road than Ella.  They both thought this was the best part of the entire trip!

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