Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: A Year of Ups and Downs

2014 has been full of blessings and struggles.

The second half was rough: June- Mamaw passed away, July- Grandy and Grammie's house fire, August- Ella and Emma tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies, September through December- both girls had strep as well as lots of coughing with no relief or help in sight.

The blessings and good times were all throughout the year- Girls learned to swim, roller skate, play soccer, and their reading grew by leaps and bounds.  We went to California, two Six Flags parks (Arlington and Vallejo), and had a cousins reunion.  We also witnessed many answered prayers.

Overall, it was a very up and down year.  Praying 2015 has more ups than downs.

Emma's 1st Lost Tooth

Emma has had a loose tooth for some time now.  Today was the day!  I was able to pull it fairly easily this morning.  We are so excited about the expected first visit from the tooth fairy!

Monday, December 29, 2014


Richard, Connie, Aleisha, Newton, Ella, Emma, and I had a marvelous time putting graffiti all over our parents' new house.  We actually spent the afternoon writing scriptures all over the studs of their house before the dry wall goes up tomorrow.  We had mom meet us there after we were done.  She was surprised and touched.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Mommy's Family's Christmas

Christmas with Mommy's family was another time of good visiting and great food.  We started out by all worshipping together with our church.  We then went to Newton and Jennifer's house for lunch, presents, and fellowship.  We were once again blessed by being with family!
 Aleisha modeling the hats I crocheted for her:
 A personalized tablecloth for Richard and Connie, made especially for them by our very talented cousin Kelly).
 Ribbon Candy for Grandy:
 Aleisha was so helpful while they were here visiting.  She spent a lot of time playing and entertaining the girls, as well as helping take care of them since they were both coughing a lot.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Praise God for sending his Son, Jesus to the Earth!  

For the first time, the excitement of Christmas was too much for our girls to sleep one minute past 5:30.  They were so excited to discover Santa came!
Ella and Emma love their new bikes, helmets, doll bunk beds, coats, lunch boxes, clothes, books, craft kits, movies, gum, candy, and water bottles!
 Their gifts to each other:
Daddy has a new shirt, movie, cologne, snacks, and has access to his legos out of the attic to where he can play with them again.
Mommy loves her beautiful essential oils necklace, Mickey hitch cover, and snacks.
Once it warmed up a bit, we headed outside to try out the new bikes.  The girls ride them very well.  (We'd like to take the training wheels off, but the bikes are still a little too big for them to reach the ground and balance.)
Ella and Emma even got to sleep under the Christmas tree tonight with the dolls in their new beds beside them.
We have had a great day as a family (even if Ella wasn't feel 100% and both girls are still coughing), spending time together, spoiling each other, and making memories.  We are so blessed!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

Following a nice Christmas Eve service, we enjoyed our own family traditions.
The girls got to open one present, and Mommy was able to join them this year!  New jammies for girls, dolls, and Mommy, all matching! And new house-shoes hand crocheted by mommy as well.
After changing into our new jammies, Mommy read "Twas the Night Before Christmas":
Followed by Daddy reading the story of Christ's birth:
Then some pictures in front of the Christmas tree:
And finally, children sleeping sweetly, dreaming of Christmas and wondering if Santa will still give them new bikes since they accidentally found them a few days ago.
Oh yes, and Ella made a card for Santa before going to bed.  She offered to write, "Dear Santa, It's ok if you give me coal.  I don't need too many presents."  But we convinced her to instead write, "Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents."

Daddy's Family's Christmas

The last 3 days have been full of fun with cousins!

First, worshiping together and lunch at Memaw and Datt's house on Sunday.
Then, watching the movie Annie together.
Followed by an entire day and night at Memaw's house, which ended with family Christmas.  Ella and Emma's favorite gifts were their American Girl dolls and Dollie and Me clothes.
Ella and Bella:
Emma and Bryann: