Saturday, December 6, 2014

Breakfast With Santa

Our church family provided Breakfast with Santa for all the elementary age children in our congregation.  They had breakfast, did crafts, and sat on Santa's lap to read their letters to him.
Dear Santa I have ben (been) good
this year plese (please) geve (give) me a girls
ruls (rules) bike and a frozen helmet that 
has a crown and a kite.
From Emma
Dear Santa how
are you doing? I
wont (want) a lttle (little) toy sely (shelly the seahorse).
And a grils (girls) rule bike
and a frozen halmit (helmet) wihs (with) a crawn (crown).
And a kate (kite).
From Ella

After breakfast, we went by to see how my parents new house is coming along.  The girls really love the new bonus room over the garage.
After we got home, Ella and Emma were looking for some bottle glue for a project they wanted to do.  When they couldn't find any in the house, they used the key to go out to the locked school house and look.  Before long, Emma came running back in saying, "Mommy! You're hiding our girls rule bikes in the schoolhouse!"  So, our girls learned that sometimes Santa will deliver the big gifts early to make more room on his sleigh, and he asks the moms and dads to help him out by hiding them until Christmas.  I then told them I'd have to call Santa to see if he wanted to keep them hidden there or come back and get them.  They begged me not to call for fear he would take them back.  We will not be looking in that closet with a "child-proof" handle on it until after Christmas, so we won't know what he decides to do until Christmas morning.  Later, they asked Daddy how Santa got the bikes here so fast, since they had just given him their letters that morning.  "Magic!"

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