Monday, October 6, 2014

Still coughing!

It's been a rough day for Emma.  She coughed for 10 hours solid today, starting at 5:00 AM, sent home from school at 10:00, finally got in to the doctor at 3:00 PM, who gave her 2 major breathing treatments to get it to stop.  Our pediatrician is calling it cough variant asthma, but upon researching that, the symptoms just don't fit.  Cough variant asthma is typically triggered by cold and exercise, but our girls' coughs tend to be triggered by heat and rest. (Cold actually helps calm their coughs usually.) There's also the fact that the pulminologist specifically said it was not asthma.  Very frustrating!  Praying for relief for our sweet girls who rarely even complain about their own constant coughing.

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