Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Firewood Adventure

Last night, we headed south to spend the night at "the barn."  The plan was to cook out, sleep there, maybe shoot our guns a bit, with the main goal being to cut some firewood.  Unfortunately, when we arrived, we discovered the barn was infested with wasps.  So, we made a little campfire, roasted our hot dogs, and headed into town to spend the night with Papaw.  This morning we bought several cans of wasp spray and headed back for our firewood.  We killed as many of the wasps as we could before starting in on chopping.  Bryan tried to use the chainsaw, but we quickly discovered the ax was more effective.  We took turns chopping, while the girls helped us load up.  It was a lot of work, but fun to work as a family.  Our girls are such terrific helpers!  We stopped at a playground on the way home for a bit of fun after all our hard work.  Even though the last 24 hours didn't exactly go as we had planned, we made some great memories!

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