Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016: Memories

As I've read back through this year's blog, one word seemed to come up often: Memories.  We made a lot of memories in 2016.  Parts of the year were pretty rough.  Daddy had a severe stomach ache for the first few months.  Mommy had 4 leg procedures/ surgeries to deal with varicose veins between June and December (and may still have to have one more).  Ella fell off a scooter scratching up her face. Both girls dealt with many coughs (although not as bad as in years past), ear aches, tummy aches, etc. But... we also made many great memories as well: vacation to San Antonio, several trips to Six Flags, birthdays, and general fun as a family.  Overall, I do believe we made more happy memories than sad.  I love my family so very much.  God has been with us in the bad and smiled with us in the good.  I thank God for my family!

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