Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ella and Emma finally meet other grandparents!

My dad left the country on May 18th, one day shy of the birth of his third and fourth grandchildren. My mom waited for him to get back so that they could go together to see them. Well, that day was today. Norman and Connie Mullin got to hold and feed Ella and Emma. Dad looked a bit rusty, but did a good job with Ella. Mom didn't hesitate with Emma, she jumped in there and got'er done. While dad was in Istanbul, Turkey, working on a dairy design, the very same clients who hired him, found out about the birth of our girls and bought us gold bracelets with their names engraved on them (that thank you note is going to have to be translated). Below will be a short video of my parents with the girls and a picture of the bracelets.

The afternoon feeding was a new experience for both Carla and the girls, they got to BREASTFEED for the first time. Momma did a very good job and seemed comfortable with the whole process. The lactation nurse wanted the girls to stay "latched on" for at least five minutes this first time, Ella stayed on for 13 minutes and Emma for 11 minutes. They followed the breastfeeding with formula to make sure that they were full. Both Ella and Emma did excellent with their feedings tonight, there was nothing left, it was all gone. We continue to pray that they make progress everyday.


Aunt CA said...

You guys are getting pretty FANCY, with voting and videos and all good news! We're happy WITH you!!

Harmony said...

They are just so cute! I showed Ryland the blog and explained how he is related to the girls. He was so excited to be related to twins. I hope we can see you guys soon.