Thursday, May 29, 2008

Milk! It's What's for Dinner.

Wednesday, May 28th, was a pretty good day. Both girls, at different times during the day, ate all of their bottles. Would I be bragging if I said that it happened while I, Bryan, was feeding them? Nah!! The nurses complimented me on my feeding techniques which led Carla to believe that I would get to do the late night feedings (Nah!). Over all, both girls are eating more everyday.

The following video is of nothing important, I was trying to see what quality I could get with the camera. It is of both girls, Ella in bed hiccupping and Emma in mom's arms. Hope you enjoy it and we will shoot better videos soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What beautiful girls!!! Little ones are such a blessing!! Hope you are all doing's seems like it's been forever.
