Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Finally Home

After a long, but successful night in the hospital, we are finally home. We were discharged right at noon Tuesday. All of us are doing well, even if Momma and Daddy are a bit sleep deprived. I will hopefully write more tomorrow and even include some pictures, however, I must go get some sleep. We just wanted to make sure we let everyone know, WE ARE HOME!!!! Thank you all for you prayers for the girls and us.


Harmony said...

Yeah! I'm glad you are finally home with your girls. Try to get some rest.:)

Enjoli DeLeon said...

I am so happy!! I hope you guys had a good night last night! I remember that first night we brought Mattie home from the NICU-it was the hardest. It does get easier!

Aunt CA said...

We are SO thankful that all is well with all of you. Do try to conserve your energy in any way you can. Parenting is not for the faint of heart, but you two are going to be WONDERFUL parents!

Grandy said...

Congratulations to BOTH of you on a job well done. We are happy for you to have both sweet girls home and sleeping in their own house. Hang in there, some nights will be "longer" than others, but in the end they will quickly vanish and all too soon they will be grown and gone. We love all FOUR of you!