Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ella and Emma's 1st Birthday Party

Ella and Emma had a great first birthday.  We had their party on May 23, and what a wonderful event it was.  (Warning: this post is long.  It has 32 pictures.)

I took a couple of  pictures of the girls just waking up in the morning on their birthday.  Here are our precious one year olds.

Ella with her horse in her mouth

Emma with her thumb and horse in her mouth

I baked their birthday cake from scratch and decorated it.  I think it came out pretty good considering this is the first time I have done this.

There were 21 people smushed into our house for the event.  It was so special to have all these people who know and care about our girls help us celebrate their birthday.

Bryan put together a 6 minute long video of the girls' 1st year of life.  It is so sweet!  He did a wonderful job with it.  Unfortunately, the file is too big to post on the blog.  This picture was taken while everyone was watching it.

Grammie and Emma

Ella and Emma were not terribly interested in opening presents.  They kept trying to crawl off.  They just don't get it quite yet, but they will before we know it.  They have enjoyed playing with and wearing their gifts though.  Thank you so much to everyone who blessed us with gifts.  We truly appreciate it.

Ella and her 1st Doll

Emma and her 1st Doll

Then it was time for cake:  
Emma can hardly wait

Ella is also excited

Then they tried it:
What is this stuff on my hand?

What am I supposed to do with this?


Are you sure about this?

Needless to say, they were not too fond of the cake.  They barely touched it, decided they didn't like it, and cried for something more recognizable like puffs. 
Emma is 1

"Oooh, Oooh, Oooh!" Ella's impersonating a monkey

As the party was wrapping up, I came across the party hats that had come with the cups and plates.  I had totally forgotten about them.  So, we thought we would give them a try.  Ella and Emma HATED them.  Instant screams until we took them back off, which we did rather quickly.
Emma, "I don't want to wear this silly hat!!!!"

Ella, "Me either!!  It was so bad, I'll keep crying even though Daddy already took it off."

So, Daddy wore them instead

Playing with a new toy after the party

The last year has been one the the best in our lives.  It's amazing how God can create such wonderful little people and put them in our lives.  Ella and Emma have learned so much this year.  We are excited to see what the future will hold for our precious daughters.  

Thank you so much to all who have helped us during this last year with your prayers, words of encouragement, gifts, and everything else you have done to help make this year go as smoothly as it did.  Thank you for loving and caring for Ella and Emma.

P.S. Thanks Grandy for taking all the pictures at our party.

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