Monday, June 1, 2009

May Merriment

May started out with a bang as Bryan took me to Oklahoma City to see The Lion King as my Christmas present.  It is an absolutely marvelous show.  I just kept smiling through the whole thing.  If you have a chance to see this spectacular show, do it.  It was the best Christmas present ever!

The next morning we went to the Oklahoma City Memorial. It had been raining most of the morning, but luckily, it stopped just long enough for us to walk around and remember that tragic day.  

As the weather has gotten a bit warmer, the girls and I have started a new tradition.  We take a walk up and down the street and check the mail most afternoons before their nap.  They really love riding in their wagon.  Some days, we'll sit in the shade of one of the trees and play or blow bubbles.  


These pics were taken May 14.  As I texted Bryan that morning, "It was going to be one of those days" but in a good way.  Ella and Emma were into everything that day and having a ball doing it.  They pulled the books off the shelves, played the piano, got all the tupperware out of the drawer, etc.  All while I was trying to keep their pants on.  These adorable pants are a little big in the waist, and they would literally crawl right out of them.  It was all very cute and very much fun.
"Reading" is one of our favorite things to do.


Sweet Duet

This is how Emma looked when she woke up from her nap one day:
Nice Hair!

Our girls are growing and changing so much every day.  It's hard to keep up with them.  But what a joy they bring to our lives!!!!

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