Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Travels

We had a very happy Thanksgiving with Bryan's family.  First, we visited Nana and Papa in Graham.  Lots of fun, food, and family.
Playing in the leaves
And on the stairs
And in cousin Lauren's high heels
Deep Concentration

Ella reading a book with Ashley

Playing cards with Lauren and her boyfriend

Nana and Papa relaxing after a great day
We took 2 air mattress for the girls to sleep on, but they chose to share one of them.  They have been sharing a bed for about a week now.  I think it may be uneasiness with the move coming up that is making them want this closeness.  Whatever the reason, it makes for some cute sleeping pictures:

After Graham, we headed to Mamaw and Papaw's in Quitaque.  More food, fun and family.  Bryan went hunting with his dad one morning.  They did shoot anything but a few good pictures, but I think they had a good time.

Playing with Berkley and Blake

E & E had a great time with these balloons.  They would
pull on the ends and Blake and/or Berkley would fall down
causing fits of giggles from the girls.
We are so thankful for all our family and friends. God continues to bless us more and more each day.

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