Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Early December

December has been a crazy month already!  About mid-November we got a contract on our house.  We are so excited to finally have it sold.  We have recently found a house we like, so we are in the process of buying it.  We close on both houses Dec. 10.  SO, our house has been a flurry of activity trying to get ready to move.  Packing with two 2 year olds is not very easy either, but we are managing.

We took a break the other day to take the girls to see their first movie in the theater.  We saw Tangled.  We all loved it.  I was so proud of how well the girls sat through the entire movie.
They only sat in their own seats until it started.  Then,
they each sat on our laps.

New Christmas Outfits
Our New House

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