Saturday, December 18, 2010


Ella and Emma have a lot of natural curl in their hair, but by the end of the day, it starts to look a bit stringy.  So, I decided to try some sponge rollers in their hair.  They thought putting them in was fun, but wanted them back out before bed.  Overall, I thought they did a very good job of leaving them alone.  (Boy, this process brought back a lot of memories for me, but in my memories, I'm the one getting my hair rolled and being told to keep my head still.)  Their hair turned out nice and curly the next morning.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
Ella watching TV and eating popcorn while getting
her hair rolled.

You look so cute, Ella!

Emma's turn.

Another precious girl in curlers.

Aren't we sweet!

Sisters having fun together.

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