Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ella and Emma are Officially 3 Years Old

Today our babies turned 3 years old!  They are such sweet girls, and we are very blessed to have them in our lives.  They get along very well, most of the time.  They love each other very much and care for each other.  They become concerned if sister gets hurt or sick.  They share pretty well for 3 year olds.  They do argue occasionally and have a tendency to whine, but most of the time they have good manners.  They really are very good girls.

Ella: Ella is our social butterfly, at this point in her life.  She always wants to know what we are doing that day, and what's next, and what's after that, and what's after that, etc.  She loves to play, do puzzles, and schoolwork.  She enjoys watching tv and movies when we let her.  Bible class is also a favorite time each week, and she already knows a few memory verses.  Peanut Butter is her favorite food.  She also likes to test the limits at times.  She insists on butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses (aka noses), real kisses, and kissing us on the cheek each and every night before bed.  She loves to look at books and play with Emma.  Hide & Seek along with Run & Chase are some of her favorite games.  She has a joyful spirit and sweet disposition.  We love her very much!

Emma: Emma is our thinker, at this point in her life.  She likes to study a new situation/ person/ idea for a while before joining in.  She likes to do schoolwork, play, and be imaginative.  She plays with her dolls, "reads" books, and does puzzles.  She enjoys watching tv and movies when we let her.  Cheese is her favorite food.  She is very caring and concerned for others well being, especially her sister's.  Bible class is a favorite time each week, and she already knows a few memory verses.  She insists on a kiss from daddy before he leaves for work, and if he leaves before she awakens, we must call him immediately and get a kiss on the phone.  She loves playing with Ella.  She can be rather whiny when not getting her way.  She also loves Hide & Seek and Run & Chase.  She has a caring and somewhat timid heart and is our snuggle bug.  We love her very much!

We celebrated their birthday again today by doing some of their favorite things.  We opened a few more presents, played outside, played on the new swing, went to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time for pizza (a favorite food of both girls) and games.  

Here a few pictures from today:

Disney World Candyland Game- So Exciting!

Mickey Waffles for Breakfast

Opening more presents!




Throwing the Basketballs was a favorite activity
What Fun!

Emma loves to slide!

I'm amazed at how figured out a way to climb up these steps!
We have had a great time celebrating their 3rd birthday again today.  We thank God every day for blessing us with such wonderful miracles!

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