Saturday, October 1, 2011

Emma's Day at the Park

We have started a reward chart with the girls.  At the end of each day, they can receive a stamp for good behavior that day.  If they have 5 of 7 stamps at the end of the week, they get a surprise.  The surprises have ranged from going somewhere special to an extra dessert.  
Well this week, Emma was the only one to earn her surprise.  So, she and I headed to the park on this beautiful autumn morning.  She had such a good time, but we really missed Ella.  I missed Ella because Emma expected me to play and climb and do everything with her like Ella would (Whew!).  Emma missed her sister and playmate and asked for her often.  

I was amazed at how much Emma has grown in her climbing skills since the last time we had been to a park.  She climbed every ladder, rock wall, and anything else she was able to reach.  I did not know she would be able to climb some of the rope ladders so capably.  

Making Progress
Almost to the Top
Look, Mommy! I did it!

We really enjoyed our time together!  A fun reward for a well deserving little girl.

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