Sunday, May 20, 2012

From NICU to Roller Coasters: Happy 4th Birthday Emma and Ella!

Our precious girls are 4 years old, and what a wonderful four years it's been! We really spread out the birthday celebrations this year. They started at preschool on Thursday with construction paper crowns and special Nutella No-Bake Cookies at snack. (The cookies were their choice for their birthday snack.)

Birthday Girls: Ella- Pink Crown, Emma- Orange Crown
Silly Picture
After school, we loaded up the car and headed to DFW for a fun birthday weekend. The first leg of the trip was nap time.

After a nice rest, we stopped at a rest stop to give them the first of their gifts:

The were very excited to get to play with their "iPads" also known as LeapPads. This helped keep their minds occupied as we continued our long drive to Aunt Connie and Uncle Richard's house. When we arrived they had some gifts for the girls.

New jammie's for themselves and their ponies
Lots of new clothes for their ponies

We woke up bright and early on Friday morning for a day of fun at Six Flags! We were joined by our cousins Harmony, Raylee, and Reese. Ella and Emma had a great time riding the rides with Raylee and Reese. I'm so glad they got to enjoy the time with cousins we don't see very often. We were hoping the crowds wouldn't be bad because it was a school day, but we didn't think about all the field trips that would be there. Luckily those teenagers weren't interested in the kiddie rides, which is where we spent almost all of our time.

Say, "Happy Birthday"
A family picture by the carousel where Mommy and Daddy got engaged
Teacups with Cousins
Harmony, Raylee, Ella, Reese, and Emma
Much to our surprise and enjoyment, our girls LOVE roller coasters. They rode every ride they were tall enough for, except a couple they deemed the seats too hot. They begged to ride the roller coasters and rode the Mini Mine Train 3 times. What a fun and exhausting day we had!

It's hard to smile when looking into the sun, even if you're at your favorite ride.
We spent the night with our cousins and went to one of my friend's wedding before heading home on Saturday. All day on Friday, Ella and Emma celebrated their birthday, even though it was a day early. So when we wished them Happy Birthday Saturday morning, they looked at us like we were crazy because they had their birthday the day before. They were very cute about it.

It was a great trip, and I am constantly amazed at how grown up our girls are becoming. Hard to believe it's been four years since we were looking at them inside incubators praying we would be able to take them home soon. And now, they're riding roller coasters.


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